
In the ever-expanding landscape of Azure services, maintaining a coherent and standardized naming convention for resources is a familiar challenge for cloud practitioners. We’ve all found ourselves navigating through documentation, juggling abbreviations to ensure consistency. To simplify this common struggle, I have written a Python script. It automates the extraction of Azure resource abbreviations, ensuring a more personalized and efficient approach to managing cloud nomenclature.

Python Script

import argparse
import json
import re

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def fetch_resource_abbreviations(url) -> dict[str, str]:
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(markup=response.text, features="html.parser")
    content_div = soup.find(name="div", attrs={"class": "content"})
    tables = content_div.find_all("table")
    data = {}
    acronyms = ("AI|IP|VM|BI|HD|DB|SQL|CDN|IoT|API|SignalR|WebPubSub|StorSimple|ExpressRoute")
    regex = r"^([A-Z][a-z]*$)|.*(?:{}).*".format(acronyms)
    for table in tables:
        rows = table.find_all("tr")
        for row in rows[1:]:
            cells = row.find_all("td")
            resource = cells[0].get_text()
            abbreviation = cells[2].get_text()
            # Ignore entries where the abbreviation is enclosed in < and >
            if not (abbreviation.startswith("<") and abbreviation.endswith(">")):
                # Split the resource string into words
                words = re.split(r"\W+", resource)
                # Convert each word to title case unless it's already in camel case
                words = [word if re.match(regex, word) else word.title() for word in words]
                # Join the words back together and remove any remaining non-alphanumeric characters
                resource = "".join(words)
                data[resource] = abbreviation
    return data

def main(file_path) -> None:
    url = "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/ready/azure-best-practices/resource-abbreviations"
    data = fetch_resource_abbreviations(url)
    with open(file=file_path, mode="w") as f:
        json.dump(obj=data, fp=f, indent=2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help="The path to the file where the data will be written",
    args = parser.parse_args()

This Python script is designed to scrape a webpage for Azure resource abbreviations and save them to a JSON file.

It uses the requests library to fetch the webpage and beautifulsoup4 to parse the HTML. The fetch_resource_abbreviations function retrieves the webpage, finds the relevant data in the HTML tables, and returns a dictionary mapping resource names to their abbreviations.

The main function calls fetch_resource_abbreviations and then writes the resulting data to a file. The script uses argparse to allow the user to specify the output file path via command line arguments. If no file path is provided, the data is written to abbreviations.json by default.

To run the script, you can use the following command:

python update_resource_abbreviations.py -f ./bicep/abbreviations.json

Example Output

  "AISearch": "srch",
  "AzureAIServicesMultiServiceAccount": "aisa",
  "AzureAIVideoIndexer": "avi",
  "AzureMachineLearningWorkspace": "mlw",
  "AzureOpenAIService": "oai",
  "BotService": "bot",
  "ComputerVision": "cv",
  "ContentModerator": "cm",
  "ContentSafety": "cs",
  "CustomVisionPrediction": "cstv",
  "CustomVisionTraining": "cstvt",
  "DocumentIntelligence": "di",
  "FaceAPI": "face",
  "HealthInsights": "hi",
  "ImmersiveReader": "ir",
  "LanguageService": "lang",
  "SpeechService": "spch",
  "Translator": "trsl",
  "AzureAnalysisServicesServer": "as",
  "AzureDatabricksWorkspace": "dbw",
  "AzureDataExplorerCluster": "dec",
  "AzureDataExplorerClusterDatabase": "dedb",
  "AzureDataFactory": "adf",
  "AzureDigitalTwinInstance": "dt",
  "AzureStreamAnalytics": "asa",
  "AzureSynapseAnalyticsPrivateLinkHub": "synplh",
  "AzureSynapseAnalyticsSQLDedicatedPool": "syndp",
  "AzureSynapseAnalyticsSparkPool": "synsp",
  "AzureSynapseAnalyticsWorkspaces": "synw",
  "DataLakeStoreAccount": "dls",
  "DataLakeAnalyticsAccount": "dla",
  "EventHubsNamespace": "evhns",
  "EventHub": "evh",
  "EventGridDomain": "evgd",
  "EventGridSubscriptions": "evgs",
  "EventGridTopic": "evgt",
  "EventGridSystemTopic": "egst",
  "HDInsightHadoopCluster": "hadoop",
  "HDInsightHbaseCluster": "hbase",
  "HDInsightKafkaCluster": "kafka",
  "HDInsightSparkCluster": "spark",
  "HDInsightStormCluster": "storm",
  "HDInsightMlServicesCluster": "mls",
  "IoTHub": "iot",
  "ProvisioningServices": "provs",
  "ProvisioningServicesCertificate": "pcert",
  "PowerBIEmbedded": "pbi",
  "TimeSeriesInsightsEnvironment": "tsi",
  "AppServiceEnvironment": "ase",
  "AppServicePlan": "asp",
  "AzureLoadTestingInstance": "lt",
  "AvailabilitySet": "avail",
  "AzureArcEnabledServer": "arcs",
  "AzureArcEnabledKubernetesCluster": "arck",
  "BatchAccounts": "ba",
  "CloudService": "cld",
  "CommunicationServices": "acs",
  "DiskEncryptionSet": "des",
  "FunctionApp": "func",
  "Gallery": "gal",
  "HostingEnvironment": "host",
  "ImageTemplate": "it",
  "ManagedDiskOs": "osdisk",
  "ManagedDiskData": "disk",
  "NotificationHubs": "ntf",
  "NotificationHubsNamespace": "ntfns",
  "ProximityPlacementGroup": "ppg",
  "RestorePointCollection": "rpc",
  "Snapshot": "snap",
  "StaticWebApp": "stapp",
  "VirtualMachine": "vm",
  "VirtualMachineScaleSet": "vmss",
  "VirtualMachineMaintenanceConfiguration": "mc",
  "VMStorageAccount": "stvm",
  "WebApp": "app",
  "AksCluster": "aks",
  "AksSystemNodePool": "npsystem",
  "AksUserNodePool": "np",
  "ContainerApps": "ca",
  "ContainerAppsEnvironment": "cae",
  "ContainerRegistry": "cr",
  "ContainerInstance": "ci",
  "ServiceFabricCluster": "sf",
  "ServiceFabricManagedCluster": "sfmc",
  "AzureCosmosDBDatabase": "cosmos",
  "AzureCosmosDBForApacheCassandraAccount": "coscas",
  "AzureCosmosDBForMongoDBAccount": "cosmon",
  "AzureCosmosDBForNoSQLAccount": "cosno",
  "AzureCosmosDBForTableAccount": "costab",
  "AzureCosmosDBForApacheGremlinAccount": "cosgrm",
  "AzureCosmosDBPostgreSQLCluster": "cospos",
  "AzureCacheForRedisInstance": "redis",
  "AzureSQLDatabaseServer": "sql",
  "AzureSQLDatabase": "sqldb",
  "AzureSQLElasticJobAgent": "sqlja",
  "AzureSQLElasticPool": "sqlep",
  "MariaDBServer": "maria",
  "MariaDBDatabase": "mariadb",
  "MySQLDatabase": "mysql",
  "PostgreSQLDatabase": "psql",
  "SQLServerStretchDatabase": "sqlstrdb",
  "SQLManagedInstance": "sqlmi",
  "AppConfigurationStore": "appcs",
  "MapsAccount": "map",
  "SignalR": "sigr",
  "WebPubSub": "wps",
  "AzureManagedGrafana": "amg",
  "APIManagementServiceInstance": "apim",
  "IntegrationAccount": "ia",
  "LogicApp": "logic",
  "ServiceBusNamespace": "sbns",
  "ServiceBusQueue": "sbq",
  "ServiceBusTopic": "sbt",
  "ServiceBusTopicSubscription": "sbts",
  "AutomationAccount": "aa",
  "ApplicationInsights": "appi",
  "AzureMonitorActionGroup": "ag",
  "AzureMonitorDataCollectionRules": "dcr",
  "Blueprint": "bp",
  "BlueprintAssignment": "bpa",
  "DataCollectionEndpoint": "dce",
  "LogAnalyticsWorkspace": "log",
  "LogAnalyticsQueryPacks": "pack",
  "ManagementGroup": "mg",
  "MicrosoftPurviewInstance": "pview",
  "ResourceGroup": "rg",
  "TemplateSpecsName": "ts",
  "AzureMigrateProject": "migr",
  "DatabaseMigrationServiceInstance": "dms",
  "RecoveryServicesVault": "rsv",
  "ApplicationGateway": "agw",
  "ApplicationSecurityGroupAsg": "asg",
  "CDNProfile": "cdnp",
  "CDNEndpoint": "cdne",
  "Connections": "con",
  "DnsForwardingRuleset": "dnsfrs",
  "DnsPrivateResolver": "dnspr",
  "DnsPrivateResolverInboundEndpoint": "in",
  "DnsPrivateResolverOutboundEndpoint": "out",
  "Firewall": "afw",
  "FirewallPolicy": "afwp",
  "ExpressRouteCircuit": "erc",
  "ExpressRouteGateway": "ergw",
  "FrontDoorStandardPremiumProfile": "afd",
  "FrontDoorStandardPremiumEndpoint": "fde",
  "FrontDoorFirewallPolicy": "fdfp",
  "FrontDoorClassic": "afd",
  "IPGroup": "ipg",
  "LoadBalancerInternal": "lbi",
  "LoadBalancerExternal": "lbe",
  "LoadBalancerRule": "rule",
  "LocalNetworkGateway": "lgw",
  "NatGateway": "ng",
  "NetworkInterfaceNic": "nic",
  "NetworkSecurityGroupNsg": "nsg",
  "NetworkSecurityGroupNsgSecurityRules": "nsgsr",
  "NetworkWatcher": "nw",
  "PrivateLink": "pl",
  "PrivateEndpoint": "pep",
  "PublicIPAddress": "pip",
  "PublicIPAddressPrefix": "ippre",
  "RouteFilter": "rf",
  "RouteServer": "rtserv",
  "RouteTable": "rt",
  "ServiceEndpointPolicy": "se",
  "TrafficManagerProfile": "traf",
  "UserDefinedRouteUdr": "udr",
  "VirtualNetwork": "vnet",
  "VirtualNetworkGateway": "vgw",
  "VirtualNetworkManager": "vnm",
  "VirtualNetworkPeering": "peer",
  "VirtualNetworkSubnet": "snet",
  "VirtualWan": "vwan",
  "VirtualWanHub": "vhub",
  "AzureBastion": "bas",
  "KeyVault": "kv",
  "KeyVaultManagedHsm": "kvmhsm",
  "ManagedIdentity": "id",
  "SshKey": "sshkey",
  "VpnGateway": "vpng",
  "VpnConnection": "vcn",
  "VpnSite": "vst",
  "WebApplicationFirewallWafPolicy": "waf",
  "WebApplicationFirewallWafPolicyRuleGroup": "wafrg",
  "AzureStorSimple": "ssimp",
  "BackupVaultName": "bvault",
  "BackupVaultPolicy": "bkpol",
  "FileShare": "share",
  "StorageAccount": "st",
  "StorageSyncServiceName": "sss",
  "AzureLabServicesLabPlan": "lp",
  "VirtualDesktopHostPool": "vdpool",
  "VirtualDesktopApplicationGroup": "vdag",
  "VirtualDesktopWorkspace": "vdws",
  "VirtualDesktopScalingPlan": "vdscaling"

Usage with Bicep

To use the produced JSON file in a Bicep file, you can load the file’s contents into a variable and use it to generate resource names.

@sys.description('Abbreviations for resource names.')
# disable-next-line no-unused-vars
var abbreviations = sys.loadJsonContent('./abbreviations.json')

// usage: "${abbreviations.<resource_name>}"

If you use an editor like Visual Studio Code with the Bicep extension, you can use the abbreviations variable to generate resource names with IntelliSense.



Usage with Terraform

To use the produced JSON file in a Terraform file, you can load the file’s contents into a local variable and use it to generate resource names.

locals {
  abbreviations = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/abbreviations.json"))

# usage: "${local.abbreviations.<resource_name>}"

GitHub Actions

You can automate the process of updating the abbreviations JSON file by using GitHub Actions. Here’s an example workflow that runs the Python script on a schedule and creates a pull request if the file has changed.

# File: update-resource-abbreviations.yaml

name: Update Resource Abbreviations

    - cron: '0 6 ** 1'  # Runs at 06:00, only on Monday

  group: ${{ github.workflow }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      issues: write
      contents: write
      pull-requests: write
      - name: Check out code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Set up Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.x'

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install requests beautifulsoup4

      - name: Run update script
        run: python ./.github/scripts/update_resource_abbreviations.py -f ./bicep/abbreviations.json

      - name: Check for changes
        id: git-diff
        run: |
          if git status --porcelain | grep -E 'bicep/abbreviations.json'; then
          echo "changed=$change" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

      - name: Create/Update branch and commit changes
        if: steps.git-diff.outputs.changed == 'true'
          BRANCH_NAME: update-resource-abbreviations
        run: |
          git pull origin main
          git switch ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} || git switch -c ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}
          git config --global user.name 'GitHub Actions'
          git config --global user.email 'github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com'
          git add bicep/abbreviations.json
          git commit -m 'Update resource abbreviations'
          git push --set-upstream origin ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}

      # Make sure to enable *Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests* under Settings > Actions
      - name: Create pull request
        if: steps.git-diff.outputs.changed == 'true'
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          BRANCH_NAME: update-resource-abbreviations
        run: |
          gh pr create \
          --base ${{ github.ref_name }} \
          --head ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} \
          --title "Update resource abbreviations" \
          --body "Automated changes by GitHub Actions regarding the *bicep/abbreviations.json* file."




Automating the extraction and maintenance of Azure resource abbreviations with this Python script enhances efficiency and consistency in resource naming practices. By keeping abbreviations up-to-date, developers and cloud practitioners can ensure clarity and conformity in resource naming conventions, contributing to a well-organized and easily understandable Azure infrastructure.


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