Hello everyone! In today’s blog post, we look into the deployment of our Azure infrastructure and some post-configuration steps.
We use GitHub Actions to deploy our infrastructure.
In the repository, there are two workflow files: one to deploy the infrastructure and one to tear it down.
We will go over some of the elements inside the deploy.yaml workflow.
GitHub Actions
Prerequisites to connect to Azure
Create an Azure Active Directory application and service principal
Set up federation and update the repository secrets
Make sure you give Owner permissions over the subscription (to be more secure you can use PIM)
According to the documentation, the following must be included in the workflow file:
id-token: write
contents: read
Connect to Azure and set subscription
- name: Azure Login
uses: Azure/login@v1
client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
Deploy template
- Before we deploy the template, we first lint and then validate it
- name: Validate template
working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/bicep
run: |
az deployment sub validate \
--location westeurope \
--template-file main.bicep \
--parameters "main.parameters.json" \
subscription_id="$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" \
mysql_admin_password="$ADMIN_PASSWORD" \
jumpbox_admin_password="$ADMIN_PASSWORD" \
github_runner_object_id="${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}"
Post-configuration steps
Download database certificate in Kudo environment
Run the following:
cd /home/site/wwwroot && mkdir bin && cd bin
curl <> -o DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem
Import WordPress image to Azure Container Registry
Allow your IP from the Key Vault’s firewall and give yourself permission to get and list secrets through access policies
Login to the jumpbox through Bastion using the credentials stored in the Key Vault
- Run the following:
az login --identity
az acr import -n $cr_name --source --image wordpress:latest
az acr repository list -n $cr_name
Install WordPress
Wait 2-3 minutes after you import the image in the ACR
Follow the instructions mentioned
So we deployed our infrastructure and completed the essential post-configuration tasks. In the following and final post, we will configure monitoring and run some tests on our WordPress website.
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Related repository: WordPress-on-Azure
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