
Hello everyone! In today’s blog post, we set up monitoring and testing for our WordPress site.

Set up monitoring

Activate the Application Insights plugin

  • Go to the Application Insights resource and copy its Instrumentation Key



  • Go to Settings -> Application Insights and set the Instrumentation Key


  • Wait 5 minutes for the integration to take place

Perform some tests

Enable the Availability Test

The web_test module was included in the main deployment template. The specified module creates a standard availability test that performs a GET request to our WordPress site from various locations periodically. If the responses have a status code of 200, they are considered successful; otherwise, they are not. In order to enable this test:

  • Go to the Application Insights resource and select the Availability tab

  • Click on the test and enable it


Perform a Load Test

  • Go to the Azure Load Testing resource that was created

  • On the Upload a JMeter script option, click Create

  • For the Test Plan provide the tests/load_test_wordpress.jmx

  • In the Monitoring tab click Add/Modify and select the Application Insights resource that is connected to the WebApp

  • On all the other tabs, provide the desired values

  • Create and run the load test


Teardown the infrastructure using the destroy.yaml workflow

Approve teardown

  • In order to destroy the infrastructure, we first require some approvals using the following action:
- name: Manual Workflow Approval
  uses: trstringer/manual-approval@v1.6.0

# All approvers must be contributors in the repository

    approvers: approver-1,approver-2,...,approver-N  # use commas with no space inbetween
    minimum-approvals: x
    secret: ${{ github.TOKEN }}
  • This action will open up an Issue, where “x approvers” must respond in a positive manner (as mentioned in the issue’s description) in order to proceed to the next step

  • If at least one approver responds negatively, the workflow fails


Destroy the infrastructure

- name: Azure Login
  uses: Azure/login@v1
    client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
    tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
    subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}

- name: Delete the resource group and all of its resources
  uses: Azure/cli@v1
    inlineScript: az group delete -n $RG_NAME -y


Well, this brings the WordPress-on-Azure series to an end. I hope you found the information useful and that it inspires you to experiment with it.

Previous parts:

Related repository: WordPress-on-Azure



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