Hello everyone! In today’s blog post, we set up monitoring and testing for our WordPress site.
Set up monitoring
Activate the Application Insights plugin
- Go to the Application Insights resource and copy its Instrumentation Key
Login to WordPress at
Go to Plugins, install and activate the Application Insights plugin
- Go to Settings -> Application Insights and set the Instrumentation Key
- Wait 5 minutes for the integration to take place
Perform some tests
Enable the Availability Test
The web_test module was included in the main deployment template. The specified module creates a standard availability test that performs a GET request to our WordPress site from various locations periodically. If the responses have a status code of 200, they are considered successful; otherwise, they are not. In order to enable this test:
Go to the Application Insights resource and select the Availability tab
Click on the test and enable it
Perform a Load Test
Go to the Azure Load Testing resource that was created
On the Upload a JMeter script option, click Create
For the Test Plan provide the tests/load_test_wordpress.jmx
In the Monitoring tab click Add/Modify and select the Application Insights resource that is connected to the WebApp
On all the other tabs, provide the desired values
Create and run the load test
Teardown the infrastructure using the destroy.yaml workflow
Approve teardown
- In order to destroy the infrastructure, we first require some approvals using the following action:
- name: Manual Workflow Approval
uses: trstringer/manual-approval@v1.6.0
# All approvers must be contributors in the repository
approvers: approver-1,approver-2,...,approver-N # use commas with no space inbetween
minimum-approvals: x
secret: ${{ github.TOKEN }}
This action will open up an Issue, where “x approvers” must respond in a positive manner (as mentioned in the issue’s description) in order to proceed to the next step
If at least one approver responds negatively, the workflow fails
Destroy the infrastructure
- name: Azure Login
uses: Azure/login@v1
client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
- name: Delete the resource group and all of its resources
uses: Azure/cli@v1
inlineScript: az group delete -n $RG_NAME -y
Well, this brings the WordPress-on-Azure series to an end. I hope you found the information useful and that it inspires you to experiment with it.
Previous parts:
Related repository: WordPress-on-Azure
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